As the month of August approaches, the most beautiful season of love starts to roll over around the US - The Fall. Trees change colors,birds migrate, and squirrels prepare for winter. There is blissfully cold weather that gives you the prettiest pink blush. There is something very romantic and cozy about this weather, which makes you cuddle in your bed with a romantic novel and a hot chocolate. One of the most fascinating things in this season is fall color. Everyone is excited about this. If you have ever witnessed fall colors, you know what I am about to describe. Trees change their colors from green to vibrant shades of red, yellow, and brown. Teaching us the most important lesson of life: change is the only constant. Old leaves fall from the trees, creating space for a fresh start in the spring. Just like them, until we shade our old thoughts and beliefs, we cannot make room for an improved version. Keeping lessons aside, let us dive in the story of a beautiful chain of events.
This was her first time experiencing fall colors, even after five years in the Midwest. This time, he asked her to accompany him, and she said, Yes. He planned everything. A scenic county 90 minutes away from the city. Void of pollution, people, and manmade structures. The creation of nature, hills, trees, and skies adored with free birds. The drive to the county was also scenic but nothing compared to what she was about to experience. Oblivious to this she was enjoying her car ride. With old Bollywood songs playing in the car, she felt so light in that moment. She always liked long scenic drives. These drives remind her of her hometown and childhood. She was busy looking outside the window and counting each passing tree of different shades. As their car started climbing hilly roads, with each and every turn, she was getting little excited. With each passing moment, her brain felt slightly lighter as if something was lifted from her shoulder. Always clouded by hundreds of different thoughts, at that very moment, her brain was surprisingly calm. She also did not know the reason, but it felt good to her and peaceful after a very long time. She was in that moment.
He parked a car near a watch tower. She got down from the car and explored her surroundings; colorful skies, trees, and an eerrie of silence welcomed her. It was not that chilly, but her cheeks had changed color. Her hair was open, grabbing the attention of many people. She looked down, putting hair strands behind her ears, and followed him like a lost puppy. They started climbing the stairs. With each stair, she was feeling lively. She continued climbing stairs one at a time, and finally reached the top, she could not believe in her eyes. It resembled an ocean of trees. Trees: She had seen growing up, around her hometown, all throughout these years, but these trees were picturesques of all the shades of red and yellow she liked. She was mesmerized at the site around her. She took that fresh breath of air at top and she felt exhilarated. She was a mountain person, heights always excited her. At that moment, looking at the colorful ocean of trees, she felt that she could achieve anything and everything in life. She could be anything without any boundaries or limitations. She can be herself. With these thoughts, she kept looking around her trying to capture the image that would last long, but more importantly, the feeling she just experienced was never going to leave her mind, framing it as a core memory.
After what felt like eternity, she stepped down from the tower, but her mind was high on feeling that she was experiencing. It was like being woken up from deep sleep and feeling everything at once after a period of cognitive apathy. Smile never left her lips; she was constantly thinking about the rush she experienced when she was up there. She did not remember when she sat in a car; he started driving, but the next thing she remembered was, him opening the sun roof of his car and, she climbing up through it. She felt that cold wind on her face. Her long hair was open and was dancing with air. She did not care that they would be mess tomorrow. This was the first time she had ditched her glasses. She was focusing on that wind on her face, which was making her feel alive, a human. He was manoeuvring the car through the twisted road. These roads and the sight of lush green trees were making her mind attain much-needed tranquility. As if they were healing her mind. After a long period of time, her mind was at rest, devoid of her usual chaos. She felt liberated, free from responsibilities, attachments, or expectations. Just her.
She acknowledged that she deserved to be a little selfish, to think about herself as a top priority. It was the first time she thought her feelings were valid; they needed to addressed and ponder upon. Her conscious was first time accepting her as a person without invalidating her thoughts, beliefs and emotions. With each passing curve of the road she was casting away those burdensome beliefs. Her mind kept on repeating- She is allowed to think about herself, she is allowed to love, she is allowed to be selfish, she is allowed to be herself without judgements. She felt, she had released all toxic presumptions, casting away her old self to be born again.. just like the trees around her, making it a true season for the fall.

A lovely read that painted a beautiful picture.